Friday, October 20, 2006
Day 9 (10-20-06)(73)
Well, it's been sitting n the secondary fermenter for nearly 2 days now. There is not much activity. I have noticed 2 things:
- The airlock is floating (probably from the released CO2 pushing out the O2 in the head space.)
- there are some floaters in carboy. By that I mean, it looks as if some of the sediment has floated to the top... well almost the top. It seems to be consistantly spread around about 1/2 in beneath the surface. There are just particle of what looks like, some of the sediment. They are to hidden to get a good picture though.
- There are a couple spots on the surface of bubbles forming. Very small spots all around the surface. Maybe 2-3mm in size.
If you look in the picture above you will see the bubbles rising from under the spots.
While this picture is a tad fuzzy, while I was taking it, I zoomed in really tight and saw the spot accumulating more bubbles. And once again I am assured that these are not mold spots.